Knowledge Junction

upcycling heterotopia

The requirements of a university campus have to be changed to today’s needs. A campus does not exist anymore in isolation; it becomes a place which interacts with the surrounding. This means a university campus is not anymore a cluster of offices, libraries, labs and lecture halls. It changes from being a place to attend a lecture to a place to meet and interact – to a place which is inviting and unrestricted, where people get to talk, listening and bonding.

The change the University of Liechtenstein to today’s needs, the current university changes to an open university which is transparent and open to the public. It transforms from the existing enclosed campus to an open campus which includes the public and the population of Liechtenstein. Education is provided not only as bachelor, master and Ph.D. programs but also as advanced training for the people in various fields with the goal to give it back to the country and society. This integrates the university and the campus more with the surrounding and the people of Liechtenstein and beyond.

The educational landscape is though out omnipresent and connects with a different public function, such as a library, café, exhibition spaces, and a mediating architectural institution. The benefits of the sloped landscape are used to create several direct connections to the outside without blocking the view to its beautiful surrounded nature. The old main factory building and the Ballenlager get freed from its additions which were added over the years.

— University of Liechtenstein · Master’s Thesis · 2018/2019

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